[MAC] SoundID Reference crash when connecting a UAD device - issue fixed

If you encounter a crash report "SoundID Reference quit unexpectedly" while using or connecting a Universal Audio (UAD) audio interface, this guide details the problem and provides a workaround for affected users.


In this article:


Status: Issue resolved 
Resolution version: - download here
Release date: Jun 19, 2024 - release notes


Crash with UAD devices

There is a known issue since version release, where the SoundID Reference standalone app crashes once a Universal Audio device is connected. This affects multiple models from UA, including Arrow, Apollo, Solo, etc.). We're investigating this crash and will implement a fix as soon as possible. 





Issue fixed with update

With the release update (June 19), a fix for the SoundID Reference app crash with UAD device connected issue has been released, download the installer here

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Elias Finkbeiner - very sorry about missing your comment! We'll follow up with you via the ticket I opened earlier regarding the issue you have described, the issue does sound a bit strange. 

thomwoz - thanks for reaching out! If you reverted to the 5.6.1 version and still get a “Preset Switch Error”, it might be that the driver is still running the newest version.

You can check this by finding the SoundID Reference driver in this location: Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/SoundID Reference.driver -> right-click on it -> Get info -> and check the version information provided. If the version does not match 5.6.1, then it is causing the “Preset Switch Error”. 

To resolve it, delete the SoundID Reference.driver file and run the 5.6.1 installer (download above) again and proceed with the installation. It will install the matching driver version. 



Thank you for your response. The version is ok, it is 5.6.1, I checked the location you mentioned. I still get occasional error (not always, but it still happens like ½ of the time.


I was running the latest SoundID on Sonoma 14.4 and it continued to crash every time I connect my UAD Apollo. I initially tried restarting my computer, unplugging and replugging in my Apollo, and loading the software either before or after the Apollo connected. Nothing worked. I removed all the files associated with the application (just like this article says to do) and I tried to reinstall the older version this articles says to (SoundID It won't install, I'm assuming it is incompatible with my MacOS? I genuinely love the idea of SoundID reference and I love mixing with it, but I'm honestly so disappointed/frustrated because this software has given me many issues with every single version. Please advise and/or please fix/update this application so I can use what I paid for.


Hi Samer M, thanks for reaching out! 

It sounds like the installer is being blocked by the system. We have updated this guide now, please refer to step 5 in the Workaround instructions to allow the installer in Privacy & Security settings, this should allow you then to proceed with the installation.

Let me know how it goes!  


Hi Zane, thanks for your reply. However this is not the issue. I already allowed the installer in Privacy & Security settings. The issue is that it gets through approximately 95% of the installation, and then the installation fails/crashes. Is there another workaround I can try? Do you guys have any plans to update the software soon?


Samer M, thanks for elaborating! I will open up a support request on your behalf regarding this, so that we can check this closer and help you with reverting. 

We are investigating this app crash issue with a UAD device connected to the computer, but at the moment, we don't have an ETA on the fix yet. 



I am running Sonoma 14.4.1 and the app crashes every time I switch on my Apollo Duo.
I tried reverting to 5.6.1 but like some other user said my mac won't allow the installation even if allowed via security and privacy.

Please advise on next steps and could we possibly have an ETA for the fix to be deployed?




Hi Tommj Fanton, thanks for reaching out, sorry to hear about this! I will open up a support ticket so we can help you with reverting to the previous version where this issue is not present as well. Unfortunately, we don't yet have an ETA for the fix of this app crash with UAD device connected problem. 


STILL getting the same problem everyone else is having - one two systems (both Sonoma 14.4.1) - it is rendering SoundID not only useless but a liability - please can we get an ETA as it has now been months


The workaround says revert to - and provides the related link, but… the above thread refers to 5.6.1 ? - which workaround should we be using ?  trying it fails on the last step “The installer encountered an error that caused  the installaiton to fail. Contact the software  manufacturer for assistance.”


Hi jon_wrennall, thanks for reaching out!

Previously, we had the version linked in the Workaround steps, but then it was updated to - please proceed with the installation as described in the article steps. 

If you are on macOS 14.4.1. and encountering the “Installation failed” message when using the offline installer, please check whether the software has installed. It looks like the installer returns an error, but SoundID Reference is still installed and should be usable. 


I am having the same problem. I followed the same steps and it still crashes. I found out that it does work in my DAW (Logic Pro X), but crashes while listening to itunes or any other computer audio outside of Logic Pro X. 


This is the error I get when following the above directions. The package fails to install. I repeated the steps 3 times starting from the top each time. This is an issue with the package. 





My installation show the failed like the one above. but the software did still install……however it wont load a preset. When will this be fixed?   Im not gonna give up my UAD interface. But now Im looking to replace SoundID. Loved it when it worked but now it doesnt.


i tried installing the 5.6.14 version but its not working for me


Hi Jacob Swekla, ric.dominy, Shane Madzen & Ralph Dagza,  thanks for your comments. I have opened up individual support requests on your behalves, so we can look into the issues mentioned. 


I am hitting this issue and the app is crashing on UAD. I tried to perform the steps mentioned in this page



But, this version of app doesn't even install for me. The installation is failing. I am on MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1 (23E224) on Arm (Mac M2).


How is this still not solved after half a year???


How about just fix it since we ALL paid money to use this and for now 6 months it hasnt been addressed. Super frustrating but nothing interrupts a work flow like a full re-install. I have 0 other apps/plugins that have this issue. I love the program but ffs get it together this has been long enough. 


I switched from WIN to MAC. I'm angry that I can't finish my projects. My ears learned how to produce on your program, now what? Should I wait until you fix the problem? How long? I see that you haven't been able to solve the problem for half a year... Should I make mistakes in the mix? It costs money...
Versions and cannot be installed because an error occurs before the end of installation.
What else can I do to work?

Mac Studio M1 Max
Ventura 13.6.6
Apollo Solo


Hi John Kurian & maciek.djd - if the 5.7.2 version installer is showing that the installation failed, please check if SoundID Reference has installed despite the message. It should be that the software is still installed and usable. We have also updated the article to reflect this information. 

Dominik Told  & Preston Charles  - we do apologize for encountering this issue. We are working on the fix and hopefully we're able to provide an update on this very, very soon. 


Thank you Zane! Uffffff…..!!!!! It's working !



I am not sure why you are saying the problem is solved when it is not solved. I installed 5.7.2, ignored the error and proceeded, did the measurement and while switching to that measurement, I am getting the following error.


John Kurian I have made measurement earlier, I had the file which I only load…


Finally it worked after a restart of machine!


This problem is very frustrating and time consuming. 


Hello to everyone that is having this problem. I'm just leaving this comment to save you hours/days of frustration. I have found a working solution in Sonoma 14.4. Here's what happened for me: SoundID Reference used to work then all of a sudden it has decided to crash whenever my Apollo Twin X is on. It is strange because it used to work perfectly, but now it doesn't and every time I try to reopen SoundID it crashes again. If this sounds similar to what happened to you then here is the working solution:

1) Delete all files associated from SoundID by following the instructions on this website: https://soundid-reference.support.sonarworks.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020091400--MAC-How-to-uninstall-SoundID-Reference

2) Reinstall the version that you were currently working with where the crash happened. For me, thats Version (https://www.sonarworks.com/soundid-reference/download). MAKE SURE YOUR APOLLO DEVICE IS TURNED ON BEFORE INSTALLING. I found that it may run into the same problem as before if you try to install it while your Apollo device is off.

I hope this helps/works. It is a very annoying and tedious work around and whenever the problem comes back you have to repeat the process, but it seems to work for me and I'm hoping it works for you. FREE PALESTINE


Thanks, that worked. I just hoped there was another solution. I've had to do this on more than one occasion. Maybe they could test their updates? Everybody, just make sure you backup your presets before you delete the app.



SoundID Reference Beta software releases: https://soundid-reference.support.sonarworks.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021835360 Once installed, all functionality and software should be working as expected. It worked for me!


Hello all,

I hope you are doing well!

As mentioned in the comment by Erik Escalier, the latest beta release does address the UAD crash issues.

To install the latest Beta version as instructed in our FAQ article here: SoundID Reference Beta software releases

When that is done, observe if the issue has persisted or if it has been resolved. If remains, please reach out to our support center with more details.

Thank you for participating in the beta testing. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

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