[MAC] "CoreAudio driver went missing" error

If you encounter a "CoreAudio driver went missing" error on your Mac device, check the troubleshooting steps in this guide that should help with removing the error. 


In this article:


CoreAudio driver went missing

This error message was introduced in the SoundID Reference standalone app since version 5.7.3 to signal a failure to communicate with CoreAudio for various reasons and conditions. Our developers have included a button directly in the error message to offer a quick resolution. 


CA went missing.png


What can be done to fix this?

If the error persists, there is a list of actions and workarounds that could potentially help. 

  1. Click on the 'Restart CoreAudio' button within the error message. If you're unable to restart the engine using this button for any reason, you can initiate it via Terminal manually:

    - Launch the Terminal app
    - Execute the following command:

    sudo launchctl kickstart -kp  system/com.apple.audio.coreaudiod

    Before doing this, make sure to switch off speakers/headphones (or turn down the volume completely,) and shut down any DAW or other music production software

  2. Restart the playback engine: SoundID Reference appOutput Panel > '' > Device settings > Restart playback engine
  3. Quit and relaunch the SoundID Reference app: How to fully quit the SoundID Reference app?
  4. Clear the configuration data: Deleting the config file in SoundID Reference standalone app 
  5. Update the drivers of the interface to the latest version available
  6. Fully uninstall SoundID Reference. Then reinstall the latest version - download here
  7. Uninstall other Virtual Devices active on your machine (Blackhole, GroundControl, LoopBack, etc.). There may be a clash between our Virtual Output Device and another. If it then works, it's worth adding them back one by one, to see which one is the culprit. 
  8. Try different sample rates and buffer sizes: Buffer size setting in the SoundID Reference app



If the issue reoccurs more than three times a day, reach out to us, by answering the following: 

# What happens when clicking on "Restart CoreAudio"?
# How often does it occur?
# Asked for a password to reset CoreAudio but password is not entered
# Asked for a password, the password has been entered but the popup appears again
# Not asked for a password and the popup appears again
# Something else?


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