Audio dropouts with the standalone app (clicks and pops)

If you are encountering dropouts or distorted sound output when using the SoundID Reference standalone app, this guide provides tips for what to check to resolve the issue. 

Known issue 
Article updated: Sep 06, 2023
Resolution date/version: TBD


Status update for macOS users: issue resolved
Resolution version: - download center
Release date: Sep 06, 2023 - release notes


Clicks and pops

We are aware of an issue where there are audible clicks and pops or scrambled output when using the SoundID Reference standalone app. This happens when there is an audio stream/buffer sample value mismatch - resulting in audio artifacts. Our developers are looking into it and working on a fix. Please follow the workarounds below. 





  1. Check for OS updates, make sure your computer is up to date
  2. Update your audio interface drivers and firmware
  3. Update/reinstall USB drivers - visit the website of your computer brand, and check for available driver downloads
  4. Switch the sample rate to 44.1 kHz on your audio device and make sure it matches in the audio settings
  5. Set the power settings on your computer to high performance (Best Performance)
  6. Adjust the Buffer size settings in the SoundID Reference standalone app
  7. Try using the APO driver
  8. We recommend checking for audio interface driver and firmware updates, as well as the computer built-in audio driver updates such as Realtek audio drivers

Note: APO driver installs a new format of sound processing instance directly in the Windows Audio Engine, not a virtual output device as in the other driver types supported in SoundID Reference. This means you'll have system output calibration only and APO is a low-latency driver. 




  1. Install the latest version, 5.9.2. (download installer here)
  2. Check for OS updates, make sure your computer is up to date
  3. Update your audio interface drivers and firmware
  4. Switch the sample rate to 44.1 kHz on your audio device and make sure it matches in the audio settings
  5. Set the power settings on your computer to high performance (Best Performance)
  6. Adjust the Buffer size settings in the SoundID Reference standalone app
  7. Access Audio/Midi settings and check if you have an Aggregate Device set up? Remove the Aggregate Device
  8. By default the buffer size, value is set to 512. We recommend increasing the buffer size samples value, however, it's worth decreasing the buffer size up to 128 to see if the issue has been resolved


Buffer Size adjustment

  1. Access your Output Device Settings, click on the "..." (action button) at the right side of your output device and select Device settings
  2. Click on the dropdown menu under 'Buffer size, samples' to select a new value
  3. Select a higher value (e.g. 512 to 1024)
  4. Playback media to see if the issue has been resolved
  5. If the issue persists, select the next (higher) Buffer size value



Note: If you have reached the highest setting on the Buffer size and the issue is ongoing, we recommend adding a Safety buffer size value


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tried everything and this still hasnt solved the problem. seems like an issue with the app


I have the same problem with the Standalone App on Win10. VST plugin works fine.

Augmenting the buffer size doesn't help at all, it almost makes it worse, reducing it on the other hand seems to help.

EDIT: For anyone having the same issue, uninstalling the app, deleting the related folders, cleaning the registry and reinstalling everything solved the problem.

RME UC, Windows 10 Pro version 21H2



Thank you both for leaving a comment here. 

Charles - I have created a ticket for you, to further investigate the issue that you're facing, you'll get a message soon. 
B E - We can continue our communication in your existing ticket. 


Same issue as Charles. Increasing buffer size made it worse. Have yet to try deleting.. Really not trying to measure my room for my different monitors again. Hopefully something else can solve?


Hi Evan Fisher, sorry to hear you are encountering this issue too. 

You can backup your speaker profiles before uninstalling SoundID Reference. For instructions on how to find your speaker profiles, see our guide here: Where can I find my speaker profile? 

If you wish to proceed with the uninstallation, see our guide here: How to uninstall SoundID Reference? [WIN] 

Let us know how it goes and if the issue persists! 


Hi, I have been experiencing the same issue when using standalone. The plugin seems to work fine in my DAW, but in standalone, I get clicks, pops, and dropouts. I am on MacOS Sonoma using an RME UFX3 with the latest kernel drivers on an M1 Max machine. Going to try to do a reinstall, but so far nothing has really helped this. I can't get through even the length of a song without issue :(


Hi autumn.trafficante, thanks your comment, sorry to hear there is some trouble present. 

Is the issue present when playing from any source? Is the issue happening with your RME device only or is it present when using any other audio device (even testing with the built-in computer output would suffice)? 

You can also try reinstalling the software to see if that makes any difference, yes. Let us know how it goes!


Finally. the pops and clicks ended after using the APO driver. Thanks for the support!



Using Windows 10 and RME Babyfacepro.


Just bought the Sound ID Reference… unfortunately its just working inside my DAW, the standalone version sounds like a 6bit device…


Hi liebich, thanks for reaching out. 

It sounds like there might be a sample rate mismatch. You could check if the sample rate matches across the components including the SoundID Reference standalone app - click on the three-dot icon next to the output preset in the app → “Device settings” → check sample rate. You can also restart the playback engine in this same section to see if that makes a difference.



thank you for the answer.

Unfortunatly I already matched everything and followed youre advices on the troubleshooting page…

Fun Fact:

When I click on: Play Test Signal - The Test Signal works perfectly… As soon as I want to use an application the sound is terrible…





Hi liebich, thanks for your reply. I will open up a support request on your behalf, so we can check on this a bit closer. 


I have the same problem. VST plugin works flawlesly. But standalone app causes clicks and audio block drops in irregular intervals that get worse the longer the app is running. Tried all the steps above to no avail - pretty frustrating to say the least, as media consumption is not possible with Reference.
Win11, Focustrite Scarlett 18i20 1st Gen. Tried all SR/Buffer/Safetybuffer combinations I think. Zane any tips?


Hi - same thing here. This is a major flaw that needs to be fixed reliabily. SoundID is for professionals; I can't be second guessing my system for playback errors (is it my recording or Sonarworks!?). This problem has been reported 2 years ago in this thread. Is this getting fixed SoundID?

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