
The Room Freq Response Measurement goes through 37 measurements, e.g., #37 refers to ‘point left’. What does that infer? Point ‘what’ left? The mic (I guess).

When the 37 freq measurements are taken, where is the mic located? In the Listening location or in 37 locations? Back to ‘point left’?

I would think the mic MUST stay in the Listening location for meaningful measurements of room response to be collected. But … ?

I have searched On-line for this topic, but seems to have little discussion, which means I have missed a well (by most others) understood concept or it is obvious!

Until I learn differently, I leave the mic in the Listening location and move forward.

What iss the proper procedure? Thanks

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Hi William Johnson (Billy), thanks for your post!

The '37 points left' text can be considered as a countdown to how maany points still have to be measured during the room response step - there are 37 points to be measured in total.

You will have to move the mic to the point visualized in the app - this can be seen by flashing target. The position of your mic will also be visible in the app, so you can understand where the mic is currently located and so that you can match it to the target. I can recommend taking a look at our video on measuring speakers with the SoundID Reference Measure app here: Measuring speakers with SoundID Reference (this will take you to the room response step specifically).

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