Pops and Clicks / clocking issues in Core Audio


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Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/SoundID Reference.driver

This driver causes pops and clicks / clocking issues on my system regardless of if I’m using Sound ID or if the program is even open. I spent 9 hours searching for this gremlin. Only when I threw this away and completely removed Sonarworks from my system did the playback return to smooth.

I’m tempted to experiment with just throwing away this driver and using plugin only but I’m now spooked by having anything related to Sonarworks on my system. Are you aware of this issue?

I’m using MacBook Pro i9 and Apollo x16 / x8 vos Thunderbolt 3


I was having similar issues today, any playback seems to clip SoundID and can't seem to fix it. Unsure id this is clpping or buffer pops but I think it is clipping. Meters on my interface software's show no clipping, even when I bypass SoundID by rerouting system output directly to interface outs...


Hi all, thanks for bringing up this issue, sorry to hear you are encountering this! 

We have some tips regarding clicks and pops mentioned in our guide here: Audio dropouts with SoundID Reference standalone app (clicks and pops) I'd really recommend checking these out and trying them.

Let us know how it goes! 

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