Sonar Works - Only VST / AU


Hi everyone,

Is it possible to solely use Sound ID - As a VST and Plug In, without it taking over our main audio of the computer?

So it's will only be enabled if using in a DAW?


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Hi, thanks for reaching out!

Yes, SoundID Reference is available as a plugin as well - in VST, VST3, AAX, and AU formats. You can load the plugin in your DAW and only the DAW signal will be calibrated. For more details on setting up with the plugin, see our guide here: Applying calibration with DAW plugin

Best regards,


Hello Zane, 

I think you may be misinterpreting what I mean here. 

I am aware i can run as a VSt inside a DAW,

I wanted to know if this is possible to only have it as this option, so it does not take over your core computer audio, when booting the computer. 
I only want to use it as a VST - Is it possible to set up this way?

Thank you 


Hi info,

It sounds like you have the standalone app set to launch on startup setting enabled. This can be disabled by launching the SoundID Reference standalone app -> click on the three-dot menu on the right side -> Preferences -> toggle the "Launch on startup" setting to Off. This way it won't launch on computer startup.

It is also possible to disable SoundID Reference taking over the system output when it is running in Preferences -> find the "Keep Reference as the default system output device" and toggle it to Off

You can safely disable these options, they will not affect the DAW plugin in any way.

Surely let me know if you have any further questions!

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