License ownership transfer to another person

If you are transferring your license to another user, this article provides details on the ownership transfer process.


Can I transfer the ownership of my license to another user?

Yes, if you're looking to transfer the ownership of your existing Sonarworks product license, this can be done by contacting Sonarworks Support for a full license replacement, as described below.


IMPORTANT! If the ownership transfer has not been coordinated and confirmed by the Sonarworks Support Team as described below, it is not considered legitimate and may lead to potential issues later on.



How to transfer license ownership

To transfer a license to another user, both the original and the new owner must contact Sonarworks by submitting two separate support requests individually (submit a request below). Be sure to include this information in the ticket:


Original owner:

  1. Full name of the new owner

  2. Email address of the new owner

  3. License activation key of the product to be transferred


New owner:

  1. Full name of the original owner

  2. Email address of the original owner

  3. License activation key of the product to be transferred


After our Support Team has confirmed the transfer, the original license will be revoked, and a full replacement will be issued to the new owner. This will ensure that there are no future issues or conflicts regarding accounts, registry, activation, and product support.

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